Universität / Haute École
for student applications
Geneva Macaronics*
HEAD, Geneva, Monday april 20th – Wednesday april 22nd
MORE INFO ON: http://www.workmaster.ch/noise/index.php?id=61
In many ways, the relationship between music, rock and contemporary art has been one which answers the notion of the fluidity of connections between the two media, and an ability for one to sample the other.
The main topic of the labos, performances and talks will be based on this convergence which often was nurtured by art schools that supported and promoted an active creative exchange between these two fields.
Discussions, workshops (“labos”), panel talks, and lectures will mainly be in English.
- 11:00 Opening Plenary Session (Boulevard James-Fazy 15, 1201 Geneva)
- 12:00 Lunch
- 13:30 Student’s work presentations and discussions
Talks :
- 15:30 Erik Bünger (artist) //////// www.erikbunger.com
- 16:30 Bastien Gallet (philosopher, writer and editor) //////// www.musicafalsa.com
- 18:00 Christian Marclay (artist) with Catherine Queloz (CCC programme HEAD, Geneva) //////// www.furious.com/perfect/christianmarclay.html
- 9:00 Student’s work presentations and discussions
- 12:00 Lunch
Labo 14:00 :
- Erik Bünger (artist) //////// www.erikbunger.com
- Team of Cave12 (Marion and Sixto, music programmers) //////// www.cave12.org
- Zonoff (Jonathan Frigeri) //////// www.zonoff.net
Visit :
- 17:00 CAC and MAMCO (with directors Katya Garcia Anton, CAC and Christian Bernard, Mamco)
- 18:00 Roland Groenenboom //////// www.sonicyouth.com/main/includes/sensationalpop.html (independent curator, curator of Sonic Youth exhibition “Sensational Fix”) at CAC
Concerts :
- 20:30 Los Voltamix, (visuals: Bisque Rage Visuels), GB, Hellbell, Bad Trip Inc. and friends
- 9:00 Student’s work presentations and discussions
- 12:00 Lunch
Labo 14:00 :
- Arnaud Maguet (artist, prof. Villa Arson, Nice) //////// http://disques.rotin.free.fr
- Frédéric Post (artist, music events & parties promoter). //////// www.fredericpost.net
- Das andere selbst, Wildrfid records //////// www.dasandereselbst.org www.wildrfid.net
Apéritif and farewell
- 17:00 Listening session with Francis Baudevin (artist) //////// www.galerie1m3.com/podcast.html
Programme concieved by WORK.MASTER, HEAD, Geneva, 2009
(mack’-uh-ronn’-ick) adj. 1: involving or characterized by a mixture of languages, especially burlesque verse in which real or coined words from two or more languages are mixed or vernacular words of modern language/s are Latinized and mixed with Latin words and hybrid forms. 2: having the nature of a medley; mixed; jumbled.
Links Concerts wednesday evening:
- Los Voltamix: http://www.myspace.com/losvoltamix
- Bisque Rage Visuels: http://www.myspace.com/bisquerage
- GB: http://www.wildrfid.net/
- Hellbell: http://www.myspace.com/hellbellll
- Bad Trip Inc.: http://www.myspace.com/badtripinc
for friends cf.:the labels zonoff.net , dasandereselbst.org, wildrfid.net