27.03.2024 (mandatory attendance), 28.03.2024 (optional attendance)
Universität / Haute École
The event aims to create spaces for a plurality of approaches towards trans history, trans archives, and connections with the past, that make and unmake trans subjectivities and contemporary trans struggles. It borrows its name from a neologism, used by the artist Chris Vargas, “trans hirstory,” as an addendum to the feminist project of “herstory.” All too often, the past has been transformed into a hegemonic narrative that disqualifies the mere possibility of gender variant lives (Hacke, 2023). Archives submitted to a series of curation and indexing choices gradually converge towards the highlighting of lives conforming to current norms and standards. Scholars of queer and subaltern studies have learned to read between the lines of normative documents, and to reveal what was once present and is now silenced. While a struggle against erasure is a never-ending one, it seems that gender-variance and queer sexualities were too present to go unnoticed (Feinberg, 1996). This unique programme has been organised by Clovis Maillet, Ruby Faure and Karl Ponthieux Stern, and will take place over two days, 27 and 28 March, in the auditorium of Geneva's Musée d'Art et d'Histoire.
Speakers : Clovis Maillet, Ruby Faure, Gabriel Bey & Camille Campos Fragoso, Eve Gabriel Chabanon, Fig Docher, Nayansaku Mufwankolo, Michaëla Danjé, Liz Eschalle-Dyachenko, Jazil Santschi Antò
Key speaker : C Riley Snorton
Moderators : Yasmina Foehr Janssens, Nayansaku Mufwankolo, Federica Martini, Ghaliya Djelloul
Speakers : Ruby Faure, Emma Bigé, Louve Zimmermann, Sam Bourcier, Otto Briand Terlet, Karl Ponthieux Stern, Nath (Mémoires Identitaires et Turbo Trans), Constance Brosse (Lestime), Ferdinando Miranda (Centre Maurice Chalumeau en Sciences des Sexualités)
Moderators : Clovis Maillet, Sébastien Chauvin, Ruby Faure
Practical informations :
Auditorium du Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Genève
Rue Charles Galland 2
CH-1206 Genève
Pour les personnes à mobilité réduite : entrée par le Boulevard Emile-Jacques Dalcroze 9. Merci d’avance d’appuyer sur la sonnette, un-e-x-s agent-e-x du musée viendra vous ouvrir.
For people with reduced mobility: entrance via Boulevard Emile-Jacques Dalcroze 9. Please ring the bell and a museum staff member will open the door for you.
La participation à la journée du 27 mars est obligatoire pour toutes les étudiant-e-x-s! La participation à la journée du 28 mars est conseillée mais facultative.
Attendance on 27 March is compulsory for all students! Attendance on 28 March is recommended but optional.