Grosses Symposium: Is Technology Sexist?

1. / 3. Semester

11. - 13.10.2017

Universität / Haute École
Institut Kunst - FHNW HGK
Hosted by: Chus Martinez and Paul Feigelfeld
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for student applications
Content description

Is Technology Sexist?

Guests: Alan Bogana, Raffael Dörig, Paul Feigelfeld, Hannes Grassegger, Mavie Hörbiger, Matylda Krzykowski, Shusha Niederberger, Filipa Ramos, Emlly Segal, Who wirtes his_tory?

The symposium includes two public sessions (days one and two) as well as an internal workshop for Master's students only (day three).


Artists have largely been concerned with questions that the technology industries consider secondary: What role do women play in the development of technology, and how has technological change affected the roles of women and ideas of gender? How does technology offer possibilities for new social relations and how should we evaluate these possibilities?

A series of experts - local and international - will present and discuss the relevance of gender, race, class, and sexuality in today's understanding of technology and the development of new technological tools. We consider the art context - and the educational context of the academy - ideal to introduce these quesitons to a larger audience interested in how art and culture may help neutralize an uncritical approach to media, its presence in our everyday lives, and its contribution to a more equal social future.

Media technologies are a crucial part of our future, and neither an antagonism towards nor celebration of them  allows us to better understand what they are and, more importantly, how we act around them. Art has played a seminal role in discussing and contesting the politics of media. Since media, media tools, and technology are representational-based languages, it is not surprising that art and artists were among the first communities to pay attention to the new forms of gender and race relations they provide and confront us with.

The symposium is intended to introduce ideas, but also practical examples, images, works by artists, as well as best practices that address a different use of the media, as well a new user language.



Anmeldungen bitte direkt unter:

bis Mittwoch, 20. September 2017