Unholy and holy geometry2 in art

2. Semester

19. – 22. April 2022

10:00 – 12:30 / 13:30 – 16:30

Universität / Haute École
Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst
Birgit Kemper
Contact email
for student applications
Content description

Unholy and holy geometry2 in art, healing, reading and landscape

In Art geometry ( patterns) are well know from the beginning for

example in cave painting, in constructivism or remember Kandinsky,

Mondrian, Emma Kunz und Hilma af Kling. With Emma Kunz we can

enter a bridge between the beautiful surface on paper as an Art-Piece

and what it did for her and can do for us. Emma Kunz did these

paintings as a research, to investigate questions. Also they are the

communcation with plants via pendule, compass and colours. They

could mirror some cosmic laws and invite the visitor, to reactivate

these laws in oneself.

Reading always is about listening. Geometry, holy or unholy, is also

about reading. Receiving and processing informations, on purpose or

unconsciously. Or even innocent. Signs like mandalas, runes,

swastika, doublehelix, thoughtforms, can have an enormous influence

on people. They can be produced and used, for good or for bad.

As this is a practical workshop we will draw on paper, in the

landscape, with stones, branches and on the skin. For this we will mix

our tatoo colour ( mostly with henna) , learn about signs applied to skin

( from russian shamans) the use and misuse and will experience

mainly on skin and in our rooms and observe what it does to us.


Die Erde heilen: das Modell Türnich , 1996, Marco Pogacnik, Dušan


Sacred Geometry and Magical Symbols, Iva Kenaz

Runes: Magical Codes of Nature, Iva Kenaz

More coming