30 octobre et 1er novembre 2012
Universität / Haute École
for student applications
Let’s get in touch with the fascinating world of libraries and its books. Graphic designer Urs
Lehni and art historian Stefan Wagner invite to a three day trip to the east of Switzerland
where we will visit three types of libraries. One is in a small country village in the canton of
Appenzell. When some years ago photographer and collector Andreas Züst died his daughter
Mara took over a huge library of her father. Instead of locking the books up she decided to
open her fathers treasury to the public. Since three years Mara Züst now runs the library in the
Alpenhof, which is run by and for artists. We will stay in the Alpenhof and meet Mara Züst to
receive an introduction into the library. We also will cook up there and discuss types of artist
books. The following day we will visit the famous Sitterwerk in St. Gallen, an art foundry
with a huge library with a special deposit. The last day is devoted to the Stiftsbibliothek St.
Gallen. The beautiful rooms had been built in the 18th Century and include books from the 8th
The excursion addresses students that are interested in books in general and production of
knowledge. We will focus our talks on artist books with its limitations and possibilities. The
three day visit will be intense and expects from participants an active engagement since we
have to cook by ourselves and will also meet a group of Zurich based graphic designers that
are in the Alpenhof for a workshop.
Meeting: St. Gallen railway main station 11am
Max. Students: 15